If not us, then who?
Throughout Scripture we see a constant refrain: helping the helpless and caring for those in need. The Gospel is a story of adoption, so how can the church stand idly by with so many children in such desperate need? We believe that every believer is called to take part in this ministry (James 1:27) and that is why our OrphanCare ministry seeks to equip families with next steps and opportunities to make a difference both in our community and around the world.
““Whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me, and whoever receives Me, receives not me but Him who sent Me.””
Love with Luggage
When children enter the foster care system, they are often given a black trash bag to collect their belongings and walk out the door. We hope to make a hard day a little less difficult by giving these kids a nice suitcase in good condition to hold their possessions well. If you would like to donate luggage in good condition, make sure to bring it to the Worship Center any Sunday in May!
Fore the Fatherless Golf Tournament
This fall we are hosting a golf tournament to raise funds for one of our minsitry partners focusing on foster care and adoption. More details will be available in the months to come, but if you’d like to stay in the know, just click below and we’ll make sure to send you updates!
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
Want to get involved?
There are countless ways you and your loved ones can get involved with OrphanCare and our trusted Minsitry Partners. Whether it’s more info on how to pray, giving financially, or getting started with foster care or adoption, we would love to help you take the next step caring for those in need.