Pray • Give • Go

These three words can make all the difference. We believe in the power of praying - that the God of the universe hears the requests of His children. We believe in the sweetness of giving - that generosity brings both joy to the giver and connection to something so much greater. We believe in the importance of going - that a few days spent on mission can change a life forever.

Whether it’s partnering in prayer, giving to a cause, or going on a short-term mission trip (or hopefully all three!), we all have a role in sharing the good news of our Savior Jesus Christ.

ashland, kentucky

Partner with a local church to engage the community in an area struggling with illiteracy, homelessness, and drug addiction.

Valdosta, Georgia

Volunteer at a camp for young boys in foster care by serving food, teaching life skills, playing games, and sharing the gospel.

Atlanta, Georgia

Reach the nations without getting on a plane. Meet the felt needs of refugees from around the world and share the love of Christ.

St. Albans, Vermont

Encourage & serve alongside our partners at Redeemer Church with remodeling projects and an upcoming women’s retreat.

Guadalajara, Mexico

Come alongside our local church partners to build relationships and reach the community through numerous opportunities.


Serve our partners at Hebron Church by leading a men’s conference and community outreach in local schools and parks.


Dominican Republic

Join our local partners through medical clinics, serving local schools, and equipping the church leaders through trainings.

puerto Rico

Engage with light construction to help rebuild and repair homes and churches while serving and impacting the community.


Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples.
— Psalm 96:3

Have Questions?

No matter how big or small your question is, we’d love to connect with you! Just fill out the form below, and we’ll reach out soon.